Here you can find many links to important services, to tax and other authorities as well as websites with useful information for Expatriates in Germany.
Furthermore, we have helpful services and some useful online tools for you that will help you and will make your life easier.
Here we have put together a collection of helpful resources and websites of the most important authorities when it comes to German taxes.
BZSt and BMF as high level tax authorities provide key information and online services via ELSTER.
Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (BZSt)
The BZSt deals with general questions on topics such as: Tax IDs, VAT, etc.
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF)
On the BMF's website you find general information and up-to-date tax news.
ELSTER - Online tax office
With ELSTER you can manage many of your tax affairs online, including income tax returns and VAT payments.
Official tax forms centre
In the 'Formular-Management-System of BMF can find all existing tax forms and download them there.
Bundesagentur für Arbeit
The Bundesagentur für Arbeit offers numerous services like application for unemployment benefits or child benefit.
Here we present you links to some of the best online information resources for expatriates in Germany. On these websites you get information just about everything you need to know as a foreigner about living and working and last but not least about taxation in Germany.
IamExpat is the leading media platform for internationals in Germany providing up-to-date information, news and tips.
Make it in Germany
This is the official governments portal for Expats. It offers all information about entry, finding jobs, and life in Germany. is your link to Germany. The website offers information and news about Germany.
Expatica provides tailored expat guides full of essential information on moving, working, and living abroad.
Here we would like to give you a central overview of all the important resources and tools that we think are recommended.
The tools include especially solutions for invoicing, accounting and filing tax returns.
With sevDesk, you can digitally file your documents and keep your books. Even VAT returns can be easily created.
lexoffice offers a wide range of business solutions, like invoicing, bookkeeping and annual financial statements.
With the app you can create invoices and quotes automatically and do your accounting.
The app retrieves invoices from thousands of sources and manages these in one location.
Soldo combines smart payment cards with intuitive software to help companies manage expenses.
Wage tax calculator
The gross net wage calculator helps to calculate the net wage based on the Wage Tax System of Germany.
Are you interested in working with us? Or do you have further questions about our tax consultancy, our services or other special topics?
Then contact us! You reach us in various ways. Just choose the most convenient one for you.